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Faculty Support

Library Mission


Library Vision Statement 

The Walla Walla Community College Libraries serve as a center for learning and engagement. Through access to curated and responsive resources and services, our collaborative cross-campus relationships, and outreach activities, the Libraries foster a culture of inquiry and care that seeks to promote scholarship, a sense of efficacy and belonging, creative and critical thinking, cultural awareness, and community. Remaining current in our professional practice and committed to our student centered values, we make evidence based, inclusive decisions that enhance our campus community’s opportunity for intellectual discovery and lifelong learning via responsible resource stewardship and exceptional service that connects people with knowledge.
~Students First, Lifelong Learning for All~ 

Library Strategic Plan-Current

Walla Walla Community College

Equity Action Plan Template

Name of Unit


Manager Responsible for Implementation

Jacquelyn Ray

College Objective(s) Being Addressed (identify objective number(s), e.g., “2.3”

Goal 1, Obj, 1

NOTE:  The section below includes three actions for each step.  Include as many actions as needed to address the objective(s) listed above.  You may, for example, only have one action for each step, and you can add additional rows of action as needed.

Step 1:  Define what you want to learn or accomplish

The Library will increase its direct instructional offerings and instructional support across multiple modalities (in-person, remote learners, synchronous and asynchronous).

Action planned to address this step

This is a comprehensive action that requires a multi-pronged approach.

  1. Hiring and training as needed two new faculty Librarians.  Assigned liaison roles to foster content expertise and normalize departmental collaboration.
  2. Develop, implement, market, and engage faculty with appropriate tools and resources for their courses that can be used across modalities.
  3. Engage in precise definition of IL outcomes, proficiency criteria, and assessable benchmarks across learning levels and disciplines.
  4. Engage as a department and with faculty to embed scaffolded IL outcomes across the curriculum to identify where this is taking place and at what level to identify appropriate student learning and existing gaps.  Targeted departments for initial collaboration to include Business, Nursing, and English 102.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

  1. Faculty hired, liaison roles determined, training needs identified and professional development plan established.
  2. LibGuides for each discipline will be designed, developed, and delivered.
    1. To include appropriate resources
    2. Online Tutorials for each Resource
    3. Online Tutorials for each Information Literacy Skill
  3. IL Outcomes defined according to ACRL, peer, and accreditation standards. 
    1. Rubrics for IL established, with general and as needed subject/disciplinary focus to include sample deliverables that express a particular habit of mind, skill, and resource proficiency.
  4. Liaisons will work with corresponding department to identify and map existing IL learning, address strengths and gaps in existing practices, and identify at least one deliverable that can be assessed on its position within the scaffolding and student success with chosen deliverable. 

Date when action will be completed

  1. Faculty hiring to be completed March 1
    1. Faculty liaisons assigned by September 30th 2022
    2. Faculty professional development plans to be established by October 30th 2022
  2. Existing LibGuides will be updated and maintained.  Newly established LibGuides and accompanying learning objects will be in final draft form by December 2022.
  3. IL Outcomes/Proficiency Criteria/Rubrics will be in final draft from by June 2022.
  4. Initial departmental meetings will take place in Fall 2022
    1. Mapping and determining deliverables will be completed by March 2022.
    2. Selected intervention and assessments on deliverables will take place Spring 2022

Step 2:  Identify where you aren’t succeeding

The goals above address areas where the library needs to improve. Goals 1 and 2 are concrete and barriers are not anticipated.


For goals 3 and 4, while possible, this is not intended as a “forecast” to where we might “not” succeed, it wouldn’t be surprising to find barriers in bringing a complex group of thinkers, with different levels of experience, expression of desired goals, and who are timebound.

Examining where we are not succeeding will be part of our formative assessment of the process.

Action planned to address this step

Goals 3 and 4 will be designed with a focus and structure, an inquiry based approach, and consistency as “pre-actions” to address this step.  Other strategies will be attempted in problems emerge.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

The proposed work will be completed.

Date when action will be completed

June 2022

Step 3:  Look to see if there are groups of people who aren’t being successful

Action planned to address this step

Our assessment process will involve IR to see if there are patterns of student demographics, students enrolled in particular courses and/or if the type of IL intervention impacts their success.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

The data will be collected and analyzed.

Changes based on findings and as needed will also be  proposed.

Date when action will be completed

January-April 2023

Step 4:  Discover the experiences of those people who aren’t succeeding

Action planned to address this step

This will be collected in the quantitative data of student success metrics-gpa, persistence, and success in future course work (trackable in Nursing and BAS).  It would be interesting if this could be correlated with other student survey data such as CCSSE and The RealCollege survey.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

Data will be collected and analyzed.

Date when action will be completed

January-April 2023

Step 5:  Create solutions to the barriers

Action planned to address this step

The action will have to be based on our findings but historically, the library is a “dependent” department.  Anotherwords participation in student success is “granted” by faculty and deans rather than a recognized and normalized offering that part of the student experience and success.  Until requirements and accountability are changed, I do not see this barrier being overcome.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

Date when action will be completed

Step 6:  Measure your success and look at what’s next

Action planned to address this step

Review and Analyze data; evolve praxis as needed.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

Meaningful analysis of the data will have taken place and as needed, areas of improvement will be identified and implemented.

Date when action will be completed

September 2023.




Name of Unit


Manager Responsible for Implementation

Jacquelyn Ray

College Objective(s) Being Addressed (identify objective number(s), e.g., “2.3”

Goal 1, Obj, 1,2 and Goal 2, Obj. 1, Goal 3, Obj 1

Step 1:  Define what you want to learn or accomplish

The Library will actively engage, support, and monitor campus OER efforts.

Action planned to address this step

This is a multi-pronged effort:

  1. Library will lead gathering “benchmark” data on courses currently using OER and share with relevant departments-such as advising, registrar, etc.
  2. The Library will investigate lower cost printing and selling options for students who would like to purchase printed material.
  3. Library will create OER workshops at different levels with intentional emphasis on high enrollment courses or courses where materials are costly and have well-vetted OER equivalents.
  4. Library will run comparison assessments on courses using OER and not using OER
  5. Library will work with marketing and outreach to incorporate the textbook “no and low-cost” option for students.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

  1. Data will have been gathered with listing of courses
  2. Options for working with vendors will be completed and assessed
  3. Workshops will be delivered
  4. Assessments will be completed
  5. If possible, this cost-saving option is advertised to students.

Date when action will be completed

  1. This will have to be completed quarterly, example annual schedule depending on faculty hire. Goal: completed by May 2022
  2. Contingent on Faculty Hire Goal: June 2022

Step 2:  Identify where you aren’t succeeding

The Library has engaged in outreach efforts, workshops, e-mail requests for information, and individual and departmental meetings, however, the existing barriers have been lack of basic responsiveness from faculty and staff. 

Action planned to address this step

Engage deans and upper administrators and other personnel as necessary to require a response from OER requests.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

Faculty and staff will respond in a timely manner with information needed.

Date when action will be completed

The collection of this information will be mandatory with our migration to CTCLink.

Name of Unit


Manager Responsible for Implementation

Jacquelyn Ray

College Objective(s) Being Addressed (identify objective number(s), e.g., “2.3”

Goal 1, Obj, 1. Goal 2, Obj 3



Step 1:  Define what you want to learn or accomplish

Library Professional Engagement/Professional Development

Action planned to address this step

Library Faculty and Staff will engage in Professional Engagement across campus and advance the scope of their knowledge in at least one key area of Library practice.

  1. In partnership with the Library Director, Library Faculty will engage in a professional development plan in accordance with tenure standards and areas of growth identified.
  2. In partnership with the Library Director, Library Staff will identify and engage in Professional Development in support of areas broadly identified as:
    1.  Outreach (community engagement such as working more with local agencies and learning Spanish)
    2.  Technical proficiency. Including library specific software and tools such as OCLC for cataloging, LibGuides, Ebsco’s Discovery Layer Koha, and MS Office Suite products such as Teams and Excel.
    3. Work/Life Balance and Mental Health were also listed as a priority.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

  1. Library Faculty Development Plans will be created.
  2. Library Staff will engage in assigned trainings, share their learning with all Library Staff and Faculty in verbal and as appropriate written documentation, and demonstrate proficiency by comprehension and application of appropriate library systems.

Date when action will be completed

  1. Library Faculty Development plans will be finalized within 90 days of hire,
  2. Library Staff will engage in their own learning process, share what they are learning in formal and informal seeings, and demonstrate greater proficiency by September 2022.

Step 2:  Identify where you aren’t succeeding

Plans expressed in Step 1 address areas of growth.

Action planned to address this step

This will be emergent. If unsuccessful, the solution maybe greater access to resources and more structured accountability measures.

What evidence will you have of success when this action is completed?

Date when action will be completed

GOAL #1—Learners receive instruction and service that is supportive of their academic, personal, or professional goals 

Departmental Activity 

  • Project 

  • Initiative 

  • Activity 

Consider: What? Who? When? Why? 

Resource(s) Needed 

College Goal/Objective 

How does this connect to the college’s strategic plan?  

Intended Outcome(s) 

So what or why? How does this add value, meet a requirement, or support a college goal? 

Evidence of Success 

What will be the evidence used to measure or determine accomplishment of the intended outcome? 

Year One (AY 2019-2020) 


  • Examine current practices, successes, and areas for improvement.   

  • Articulate and Develop IL Plan with appropriate scaffolding and outcomes mapped to ACRL and WWCC’s Institutional Outcomes: “CT” and “IL” 

  • Identify collaborative partners and courses  for assessment 

  • GenEd Transfer 

  • CTE 

  • BAS/AME 

  • Online/Hybrid 


  • Develop Faculty TLC Workshops;  

  • Goal, 2 per term 

  •  Benchmark 

Faculty Interest Group (3 possible goals areas of interest discussed) 

  • IL 

  • Survey 

  • Programming 

IR contacted/involved as needed 

Canvas Training 301 

Resource Room aka L3 

  •  “Students First-Promoting Equity in Success for All Students” 

  • “Relevant, Dynamic, and Diverse Curriculum 

  • Deliberate Continuous Improvement Based on Evidence 


  • Increased Academic Success 

  • Increased Student Persistence 

  • Increased awareness among faculty 

  • Model for collaborative assessment in this “cross-cutting” skill. 


  • Greater participation by faculty evidenced by Library Presence in Syllabi 

  • FIG Developed and holding regular meetings 


  • Session Attendance 

  • Session Feedback (Immediate) 

  • Session Feedback (In practice, if applicable) 

  • i.e. greater ILL,  

  • more faculty feel comfortable with FairUse/Copyright 

  • Noticeable Increase in Faculty connection with a Librarian 

Year Two (AY 2020-2021) 

IL Course 

  • Pursue Development of Lib 127 or (227) course (maybe Year 3) 

IL Programming General 

  • BAS Program/IL Developed and Delivered 

  • IL Breadth: GenEd Assessed;  

  • Three Models 

  • One Shots 

  • Embedded/Online (with interaction) 

  • No Formal Contact 


  • Revise Faculty Workshops 

  • Target New/Early Faculty 

Lib Course: 

  • Understanding of Course Approval process 

  • Course approved by  Curriculum 

IL Delivery: 

  • Faculty partners 

Lib Course: 

  • Lib Course developed (and delivered?) 

IL Programming General: 

  • Development of both core and adaptable IL tasks that can be adapted for specific discipline needs and available as an e-Toolkit 

  • Greater participation by faculty evidenced by revised outcomes in syllabi and assignments 

  • Increased online delivery, IL curriculum delivered in 20% of classes. 

  • Student success measured by GPA, persistence, survey, and skills mapping 


  • Faculty Orientation/Onboarding via LibGuide and Canvas Course 

Year Three (AY 2021-2022) 

IL Programming 

  • IL Depth:  Increase IL participation in the Disciplines—Two selected for review 

  • Enhance Culture of “Research Across the Curriculum” 

  • “Learning Made Visible” (See Programming/Outreach in Depth) 

  • Facilitate Campus Activities 

  • Visual Communication 

  • Institutional Repository  

GOAL #2 – Provide Access to Quality Resources and Learning Spaces that Meet the Scholarly Needs of our Campus Community 

Departmental Activity 

Resource(s) Needed 

College Goal/Objective 

Intended Outcome(s) 

Evidence of Success 

Collection Development 

Policy Level 

  • Establish Collection Resource Team 

  • Develop Policy 

  • Assess vitality and purpose of satellite collections 

  • Improve WorkFlow 


  • Pursue enhanced Reserves collection 

  • Pursue Laptop Program 

  • Secure and provide adequate Support of Business Program 

  • Choice Online  

  • SGA Funding 

  • Laptops 

  • Reserves 

  • Relevant, Dynamic, and Diverse Curriculum 

  • Deliberate Continuous Improvement Based on Evidence 

  • Clear, purposeful, shareable, policies and workflows that improve the collection and its usage. 

  • Purchasing Plan that is responsive to and anticipates curricular needs 

  • Investing in Electronic Resources that are current, academically relevant, and accessible to all students on and off campus 


  • Policies in Place (completed) 

  • Clear work flows and planning  

  • Reserves Model Implemented 


  • Increased attention to usage statistics in print and online materials—baseline data year. 


  • Establish Policy  

Library Virtual and Physical Space 

Physical Space 

  • Assess Usage Type and Timing 

Virtual Space 

  • Acquire, Create, and Promote LibGuides  

  • Investigate Canvas/Library LTI 

  • Possible Funding for LibGuides 

  • Appropriate Technology with Robust and Sustainable Infrastructure  

  • Increased usage of library spaces 

  • Increased student engagement with student physical and online resources 

  • Planning and early initiation phase within existing parameters of move towards “Learning Commons” environment 

  • LibGuide Re-Design (followed by promoting with faculty) 

  • Re-allocation of space within existing parameters including current furniture and available staff labor on-site. 

  • Increase attendance 

  • Increases staff/patron interaction 

GOAL #3 — OER 

Departmental Activity 

Resource(s) Needed 

College Goal/Objective 

Intended Outcome(s) 

Evidence of Success 

OER Assessment 

  • Benchmark 

OER Training 

  • Identify early/second-wave adopters 

  • In-Service 

  • Immersion 

  • Funding 

  • Create Curriculum 

  • Acquire OER materials that circulate 

OER Steering Committee 

Funding Model 

  • Foundation 

  • SGA 

  • Innovation Fund 

  • External Grants 

  • Relevant, Dynamic, and Diverse Curriculum 

  • “Students First-Promoting Equity in Success for All Students” 

  • Greater Access to Course Content 

  • Improved library presence and resource point 

  • Faculty engagement with resources, pedagogies and assessment 

  • Compliance with Legislation  

OER Assessment 

  • Identify current OER courses 

  • Establish Cost-Saving Bench Mark 

  • Collect Data 

  • Connect with “Early Adopters” 

  • Work with IR about efficacy of OER in both student persistence and learning 

OER Training 

Additional Comments 

OER Funding granted from  


GOAL #4 — Professional Efficacy/Development and Communication (Library) 

Departmental Activity 

Resources Needed 

College Goal/Objective 

Intended Outcome 

Evidence of Success 

  • Library Staff Training/Cross Training 

  • Service to Campus Community 


  • Diverse and High Quality Workforce 

  • Increased ability to perform tasks,  

  • Improved library presence, 

  • High-level service to students and faculty. 

  • Increased Service on Campus and Library Representation and contribution. 

  • All Library Staff will serve on at least one committee  

  • Active contribution to goals of the committee  

GOAL # 5 — Outreach/Programming/Collaborations 

Departmental Activity 

Resources Needed 

College Goal/Objective 

Intended Outcome(s) 

Evidence of Success 

Library Outreach 

  • Create Library Speaker Series 

  • Create Campus Bookgroup 

  • Funding 


  • “Students First-Promoting Equity in Success for All Students” 

  • “Relevant, Dynamic, and Diverse BMCC Curriculum 

  • Deliberate Continuous Improvement Based on Evidence 

  • Marketing Plan, which includes: timeline of displays, coordination with campus events, brochures/flyers, and library specific events that engage Students and Faculty 

  • Targeted “touch points” throughout scaled to centers 

  • Increased Library usage by both on campus students and distance students evidenced by circulation and database usage reports. 

  • Improved perception of library resources and services based on coll