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Faculty Support

Instruction Services

Library Instruction Information for Faculty     

Students who know their way around the physical library and the library's rich array of electronic resources are better students! Librarians help students learn to navigate library resources and by teaching information literacy skills.

Library instruction sessions focus on developing information literacy skills and navigating resources for research-based assignments. Library instruction is most meaningful when connected with course content and assignments.  Your librarian will collaborate with you to talk about how to tailor the information literacy session(s) and assessments so that they fit the needs of your specific class.  Note: While it is tempting to try and pack-in "everything about the library" in one session.  Engaging with Library resources and Information Literacy more tailored sessions tend to be more effective in engaging students with the resources, the content, and their own learning. 

Synchronous Library Instruction In-Person or Online! 

To schedule library instruction, please contact  Jacquelyn Ray or complete our handy form!    Please give us at least a week before your session so we can plan and tailor our sessions, specifically for you and your students.  We can do single or multiple sessions full class sessions, or multiple "bite-sized" sessions that closely address your student's point of need throughout the term.

  • Let us know your class name (e.g., Eng 101)
  • Days and times of (or your scheduling preferences if you do not have regular online meetings)
  • The best date or week of the term to meet in order to work with your assignment schedule
  • Assignment details 

Please continue to refer students to see us in person, via Zoom, our online library chat or  reference email for research assistance.

Have questions?
Contact: Jacquelyn Ray, or Hector Lujan,


ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Banner


Scholarship as Conversation Authority is Constructed and Contextual
Information Creation as a Process Information Has Value
Research as Inquiry Searching as Strategic Exploration

Asynchronous Information Literacy Support

Canvas, LibGuides, Tutorials and Learning Objects


  • Did you know?  You can embed a Librarian in your Canvas Course Shell!  In your Canvas Course you click on "People", Add People, Assign the role "Librarian", and add our e-mail.  Easy Peasy!
  • Want to have your very own Information Literacy Module?  We can create a module that covers the resources and skills your students need to be successful in your course!
  • Many of our online resources integrate right into Canvas.  Let us know if you are interested and we can let you know what is available and set this up for you.


  • LibGuides are a curated suite of resources, online tutorials, embedded media, etc. that can be designed specifically for your discipline, course, or even a specific assignment!  This "one-stop" shop or "boutique model" instead of exploring the wide world of information.  This focused page can work well for students to quickly get at content and the learning tools they need for their research.


Below is a list of some of our existing tutorials for you to use!  

  • Academic Search Complete
  • CQ Researcher
  • Opposing ViewPoints
  • ProQuest

Email reference to get details and talk about tutorials and other asynchronous options for your class.

Information Literacy Assessment at WWCC

Information Literacy Assessment at WWCC is conducted in multiple contexts including:
  • As an Institutional Learning Outcome, Information Literacy is assessed campus-wide.
  • Librarians assess student learning through micro-assessments in the classroom and through assignment analysis.  This information is used to inform and improve our praxis.
  • Student evaluations are collected and considered one of our most significant tools to evaluate, reflect upon, and improve our instruction.