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Helping College Students Transform Conflict

Date: Wednesday, October 25th 12:00-12:30PM ET

No one can escape the fact that conflict is a part of everyday life, including on college campuses. However, instead of fearing conflict, there are ways to engage it to make it work on our behalf. Creating an environment that is safe for communication, creativity, and problem-solving along with the giving and receiving of constructive feedback helps students to rise above disagreements to the place where diverse ideas come together to move everyone forward. 

Learn how to help students better understand conflict in order to determine the most skillful ways to engage in it. In this 30-minute Lunch & Learn, Conflict Resolution Expert and U-Thrive Educational Services Key Contributor, Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle will provide strategies for effective conflict management to help your students skillfully respond rather than react in the heat of the moment.

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Past Events

How Colleges Can Use The Science of Positive Psychology to Enhance Student Well-Being

You’ve read the blog posts and seen the TikToks and YouTube videos: time and again, people recommend happiness. It can be hard to parse apart how much of this advice is based on scientific evidence and how much is toxic positivity.

In this 30-minute Lunch & Learn series, well-being researcher and U-Thrive Educational Services Key Contributor Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener will help demystify the topic of happiness. He will discuss the many benefits of well-being and will focus, especially, on research on college student social life and academic performance. He will also offer a candid view of where people overpromise the benefits of happiness. Come explore the science of Positive Psychology with us.

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Increasing a Sense of Belonging Among College Students

Humans are social beings and our psychological well-being is directly tied to the quality of our relationships. In fact, studies show that a strong predictor of students’ happiness and success in college (and beyond) is linked to their relationships and sense of belonging. A student’s sense of belonging to college helps them not only improve their academic performance, but also promotes their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In this 30-minute Lunch & Learn with Dr. Nidia Ruedas-Gracia, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign we will explore ways to help college students increase their sense of belonging to college and create meaningful connections.

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