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Business 101-Company Research

Company History and Operations

Mergent Online

1. In the Company Search bar, type in your company. (Note: if it is a private company, select the D&B Private Company Database box above).
2. To find the company history, start in the Company Details tab, and select the History sub-tab.

Nexis Uni

1. On the homepage, under Discover topics select Business
2. Select Company Dossier. Search for the company by name or ticker.
3. Select the correct company, and once in the dossier, navigate throughout using the menu on the left

For public company executive compensation:

  • Mergent Online 

    Provides detailed information on US and international public companies.

  • Or, you could look up "proxy statement" on the company website (often listed under "Investor Relations").
  • Another option is to look up form DEF 14A on the SEC site.

Companies (even public ones) are not required to disclose their organizational charts. Top-level executive names may be available on company websites and in their proxy statements (for public companies), and company profile databases (e.g., NexisUni). 

The following sources may provide specific charts for select companies:

Others Suggestions:

  • Search article databases or google [company name] and "organization chart" (or "organizational chart", or "organizational structure")
  • Request it from the company; explain why you need the information and how you'd use it (e.g., educational purposes, term paper, etc.).