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Business 101-Company Research

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility-Definition

Click through the tabs below for information on Library Databases, Web Resources
and Search Strategies to learn more about a particular company.

Definition: Corporate social responsibility "has been defined by the World Business Council as ‘the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families, as well as of the local community and society at large’. The intention of companies adopting a socially responsible corporate attitude is to ensure a positive social, environmental, and economic impact on the communities within which they operate and on all other stakeholders."

Typically corporate social responsibility focuses on improving the environmental and social impact an organization has within its community and the world.

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility


Our Library Databases can be a great place to look for information on Business Ethics or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Search Tip: If "corporate social responsibility" is not coming back with relevant results, try "social responsibility business" or "social responsibility" or "social issues" or even by specific issue: "human rights", "labor relations", "sweatshops", "green", "environmentally friendly" or "health", or "safety".

Sustainability report or corporate social responsibility report, if issued, can be found on the company website. Other resources include:

Finding Information on a Company's Ethics & Social Responsibilit

A company's website should provide some information on ethics and social responsibility.  Social or Corporate Responsibility refers to the company's efforts to be good citizens of the world.

Companies may have links under About Us or they may have links on their homepages. Look for terms such as: responsibility, sustainability, community, social impact, etc.

If not, do a search on the company website for corporate or social responsibility to see what they are doing to respond.

Here are some examples from Starbucks' website.


Clicking on social impact leads to a wealth of information.

Each link will give further information on the company's initiatives in those areas.