Includes information about clients and employees (many of whom were Italian immigrants), in addition to information about designs, fabrics, etc.
16th Street Baptist Church Bombing (Sept. 15, 1963; Birmingham)
1957 Crisis at Central High: An Annotated Bibliography of Government Publications
The 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference (Non-Proliferation Treaty)
Activist Women Oral History Project (Georgia State University)
Over 7,000 U.S. and Canadian advertisements covering five product categories - Beauty and Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation, and World War II propaganda - dated between 1911 and 1955. From Duke University Libraries.
AdViews: A Digital Archive of Vintage Television Commercials
Historical government documents from as early as 1916.
African Americans Seen Through the Eyes of the Newsreel Cameraman
Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women's Education
Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers at the Library of Congress: 1862-1939
The magazine of the U.S Navy
The place of the Bible in U.S. society during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
America at Work, America at Leisure: Motion Pictures from 1894-1915
40,000 hours of programs selected by more than 100 public broadcasting stations throughout the nation from 1940s to the 21st century
The American influenza Epidemic 1918-1919: A digital encyclopedia
2,900 documents, compiled and transcribed by more than 300 writers from 24 states
American Occupation of Japan, Voices of the Key Participants
Ballot for the Ladies: Washington Women's Struggle for the Vote, 1850-1910
Barbara Gittings and Kay Tobin Lahusen Gay History Papers and Photographs
Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco: 1897-1916
Behind the Veil: Documenting African American Life in the Jim Crow South
Big Streets in a Little City - Downtown Street Scenes in Kiel (Wisconson), 1860-1980
Requires Flash
Black Panthers Trial: Courtroom Sketches by Robert Templeton
"collaborative project to provide digital access to materials documenting the roles and experiences of Black Women in the Women’s Suffrage Movement and, more broadly, women’s rights, voting rights, and civic activism between the 1850s and 1960."
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project 1936-1938
Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945-1982
Building the Foundation: Business Education for Women at Harvard University, 1937-1970
A Calm Voice in a Strident World: Senator J. W. Fulbright Speaks
Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, ca. 1600-1925
Full text searchable database of telegrams, correspondence, etc. about U.S. foreign policy.
Changing Face of Southern California: A History in Postcards
Documents meant to be used for an investigation of crime in Chicago, primarily of prostitution and the illegal sale of alcohol
Archives of materials about Latina activists from the Civil Rights Era
Child Labor in America, 1908-1912: Photographs of Lewis W. Hine
Choosing Sides: Right-Wing Icons in the Group Research Records
CIA's Clandestine Services: Histories of Civil Air Transport
Civil Rights Era in the U.S. News & World Report Photographs Collection
Civil Rights Films from USC's Moving Image Research Collections
Cochise County Clerk of Superiod Courts - Bisbee Deportation Documents
Cold War Studies at Harvard University: Online Document Archive
Photos of social issues (tenements, poverty, etc.) in New York City 1880s-1950s
Community Within: Knox County (OH) Black History Digital Archives
Confronting the Crisis: The Legacy of Little Rock Central High School
Crispus Attucks (1st public school for African Americans in Indianapolis)
an archive of government websites that have ceased operation (usually websites of defunct government agencies and commissions that have issued a final report).
Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project (audio files)
Day Like No Other: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Episodes from TV series moderated by Dean Krogh 1981-2005. Includes interviews with people such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Madeleine Albright, etc.
Letters are in various languages. Some of the records for letters include an English translation of the letter.
Includes treaties and related documents; and the annual reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1826-1932)
Hearings about Sen. Joseph McCarthy's activities on the Committee on Government Operations.
For Our Mutual Benefit: The Athens Woman's Club and Social Reform, 1890-1920
Francis Gary Powers: U-2 Spy Pilot Shot Down by the Soviets (U.S. CIA)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum: Online Historical Documents
From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1822-1909
Gay Rights Movement and the City of Seattle During the 1970s
George Percival Scriven, An American in Bohol, the Philippines, 1899-1901
George W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum: Digital Library
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum: Digital Collections
Correspondence between diplomats John Hay and Henry White
Historical Exploration of Father Charles E. Coughlin's Influence
African American video oral history collection's YouTube channel of Congressional hearing videos
Ideological Foundations of the Cold War (Harry S. Truman Library & Museum)
"...Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler, is an historically significant, seven volume compilation of U.S. treaties, laws and executive orders pertaining to Native American Indian tribes. The volumes cover U.S. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778-1883 (Volume II) and U.S. laws and executive orders concerning Native Americans from 1871-1970 (Volumes I, III-VII)."
Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains Digital Collection
Hauptmann was convicted of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.
In Our Own Backyard: Resisting Nazi Propaganda in Southern California, 1933-1945
Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904
International Gay Information Center Collection. Photographs
Inventing Entertainment: The Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies
Jack Rabin Collection on Alabama Civil Rights and Southern Activists
John Bull & Uncle Sam: Four Centuries of British-American Relations
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum: Oral History Collections
King-Crane Commission (American Section of the Inter-Allied Commission on Mandates in Turkey)
Interviews with Civil Rights workers in the South
"Official Organ of the Trade Union Educational League" and digitized by Martin H. Goodman of the Riazonov Library.
The Land Divided, the World United: Building the Panama Canal
Land of (Unequal) Opportunity: Documenting the Civil Rights Struggle in Arkansas
Last Days of a President: Films of McKinley and the Pan-American Exposition, 1901
Last MIssion to the Moon: A Real-Time Journey Through the Apollo 17 MIssion
LGBT Center of Central Pennsylvania History Project Collections (Dickinson College)
Called "arguably the greatest radical magazine ever produced in America" by Martin H. Goodman, of the Riazonov Library, which digitized the entire run of this magazine.
Life in Intelligence - The Richard Helms Collection (U.S. CIA)
Limited Test Ban Treaty - 50 Years Later (National Security Archive)
Living Portraits: Carl Van Vechten's Color Photographs of African Americans, 1939-1964
Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2016
Documents and photos about the African American businesswoman, Madame C.J. Walker
Mapping the Stacks: A Guide to Black Chicago's Hidden Archives
Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute: King Resources
Links to digitized magazines, cartoons, pamphlets, books, etc.
This site has the results of 3 digitization projects of this magazine, which they call "one of the two or three most famous US radical journals."
McKinley Assassination Ink: A Documentary History of William McKinley's Assassination
Miitary Law, Houston Riots Collection - Individuals (Law Library Microform Consortium)
Military Law, Houston Riots Collection - General (Law Library Microform Consortium)
Resources on the lynchings of people of color since the Civil War
Morris K. Udall: A Lifetime of Service to Arizona and the United States
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Region I, Records, 1942-1986
Photographs of working and living conditions of children 1908-1924
National Conference on Social Welfare Proceedings (1874-1982)
National Intelligence Council (US Central Intelligence Agency)
Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
Negroponte File: Negroponte's Chron File from Tenure in Honduras
This magazine was "dedicated to a radical perspective on art and literature" and was digitized by Martin H. Goodman of the Riazonov Library.
Nixon Administration and the Indian Nuclear Program, 1972-1974
Topics include discussions of the Watergate affair, conversations with advisers, mainly Henry Kissinger, visits to China, domestic and foreign policy, including the Vietnam war
The Official Negro Directory and Classified Buyers Guide 1942-1943
Photos of New York City 1800-2000
Origins of the Cold War (Harry S. Truman Library and Museum)
Pacifica Radio/UC Berkeley Social Activism Sound Recording Project (Anti-war protests)
Patrobas Cassius Robinson Collection (African American student at the University of Iowa 1925-1927)
Peace Corps Online (Includes digitized issues of Peace Corps Times)
A database of the photographs taken 1935 to 1945 by the United States Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information (FSA-OWI).
Photographing History: Fred J. Maroon and the Nixon Years, 1970-1974
Photographing the American Indian: Portraits of Native Americans, 1860-1913
Picturing the Century: 100 Years of Photography from the National Archives
Pioneering the Upper Midwest: Books from Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, ca. 1820-1910
Polish American Pamphlets (Central Connecticut State University)
Prairie Settlement: Nebraska Photographs and Family Letters, 1862-1912
President Carter and the Role of Intelligence in the Camp David Accords
The Library of Congress has made resource guides that highlight sources for the Presidential Elections, 1789-1920.
Presidential Oral Histories (Miller Center, University of Virginia)
Printed Ephemera: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera
Promise of America: Norwegian Emigration to America and Norwegian American History 1825-2000
Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929
Race & Place: An African-American Community in the Jim Crow South: Charlottesville, VA
Reagan-Gorbachev Summit Documents (Margaret Thatcher Foundation)
Ruckus! American Entertainments at the Turn of the 20th Century
Refugees in WWII
Photographs of feminists and suffragists
SEAAdoc: Documenting the Southeast Asian American Experience
Small Town America: Stereoscopic Views from the Robert Dennis Collection, 1850-1920
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Social Welfare History Project (Virginia Commonwealth University)
South Texas Border, 1900-1920: Photographs from the Robert Runyon Collection
Strike Against Starvation and Terror (Kentucky coal mine strike 1931-1932)
Studies in Scarlet: Marriage & Sexuality in the U.S. and U.K., 1815-1914
Photographs of African American in Pittsburgh, PA.
Papers of the Director of Public Safety for Birmingham, Alabama, known for using police dogs and fire hoses to disperse Civil Rights demonstrators in 1963.
Thomas W. Benson Political Protest Digital Collection (1960s-1970s)
Through the Lens of Time: Images of African Americans from the Cook Collection
Photographs of the counterculture in Georgia during the 1960s and 1970s
Traveling Culture: Circuit Chautaugua in the Twentieth Century
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency FOIA Electronic Reading Room
FBI documents that were released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request.
U.S. National Security Agency Declassification and Transparency
Underwater Cuban Missile Crisis: Soviet Submarines and the Risk of Nuclear War
United States, China, and the Bomb (National Security Archive)
Pre-TV, people saw the news in movie theaters. Newsreels were released twice a week and shown before every feature film.
Oral histories on the General Textile Strike of 1934, one of the largest strikes in U.S. history
Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull-House and Its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963
Vinegar Hill Project: Preserving an African American Memoryscape
W. Arthur Garrity, Jr. chambers papers on the Boston Schools Desegregation Case
White House Historical Association Digital Library (photographs)
White Supremacy and African-American Resistance in Charlottesville, Virginia, 1900-1925
Willard Dickerman Straight and Early U.S.-Korea Diplomatic Relations
William F. Cody Archive: Documenting the Life and Times of Buffalo Bill
William H. Anderson and the Anti-Saloon League Papers 1903-1928
Without Sanctuary: Photographs and Postcards of Lynching in America
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project 1936-1938
Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party
Women Veterans Historical Collection (Betty H. Carter Collection)
"the Workers Party’s de facto theoretical journal until 1927" and digitized by Martin H. Goodman of the Riazonov Library.
Working in Paterson: Occupational Heritage in an Urban Setting
World on the Brink: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis: Thirteen Days in October 1962