Chronological: this type of resume highlights your employment history. You should use this type of resume if you have a lot of career experience in one field and are planning to apply for a job in that field.
Functional: this type of resume highlights your skills. You should use this type of resume if you do not have a lot of work experience, or if your work experience is in a different field from the job to which you are applying. This type of resume is ideal for first-year students or people who want to switch career paths.
Visit the following links for guides to help you create your resume:
A great place to visit to start assembling your resume. This tutorial will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a resume, providing examples along the way.
From Penn State. Explanation of parts of the resume & CV
From Purdue University. Includes parts of resumes & vitas. Includes information on how to make a resume scannable.
Guide created by Susan Ireland, author of The Complete Idiots' Guide series on resumes, cover letters & job hunting. Includes many free resources to creating resumes.
From University of Notre Dame. Resume guide. Includes required and optional parts of a resume.
From Purdue OWL
From Purdue OWL
From Purdue OWL