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Career Research: Getting Started

Getting Started

Talk with someone--either our career counselor or your advisor, or a favorite faculty member about your interests and concerns. The extensive list of the links throughout this, and conversations with professionals in career fields you are considering can also help you make decisions.

Start exploring with these resources:

SUNY Fredonia has curated and incredible career resource site. The links below will connect you to resources on these topic areas.

Informational Interview Videos (Candid Career) – explore careers by viewing informational interview videos from professionals in a wide variety of careers (search by industry, job title, major or keyword)

Career Links – explore websites with information about specific occupations (

Multicultural & Diversity Resources

Veterans – career advice, career and transition resources, and job vacancy links 

Successful Career Planning                    
Career Planning Checklist 

Researching Your Career
Interviewing for Information
Informational Interview Questions

Career Research

My Next Move

My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options, including tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers.

Occupational Outlook Handbook


Other Helpful Resources


Find detailed job descriptions and tools to explore and analyze career possibilities

Career OneStop

Other Helpful Resources

Riley Guide

An comprehensive research guide/website from job searching, resume examples, to example occupational salaries.

Industries at a Glance (BLS)

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) pages that display a ‘snapshot’ of national data obtained from BLS surveys and programs related to various industries.

Monthly Labor Review

Monthly Labor Review is the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides research in a wide variety of fields—the labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries and illnesses