Hi Class,
For most of your research needs EBSCO is our primary database to help you find the needed information for your project.
If you do not know what you are doing for your project yet and want to explore topics, I suggest you start with the Library Discovery Search bar on our library home page. Watch the corresponding video below to understand how to explore topics using the concept map.
If you already know the topic you want to explore you can head directly to the EBSCO database by clicking on the link located in the right hand side of this guide under the Database List section. You will find the second video on the EBSCO tutorial to be very helpful when navigating through EBSCO and using its many features.
If you are not finding many results in EBSCO please email me @ hector.lujan@wwcc.edu and I can help you redo your search strategy to find better results. You can also use some of our other databases listed on the right hand side such as ProQuest or JSTOR to find more information. The other databases work the same way EBSCO might but they just look a little different. I still prefer using EBSCO because of its more advanced searching features.
To learn about using BOOLEAN logic properly through any of our databases, see the Boolean Logic tab in this guide.
American Sociological Review
Contemporary Sociology
Journal of World-Systems Research
City & Community
American Journal of Sociology
Annual Review of Sociology
Qualitative Research
Sociology of Education
Social Science Research
Population and Development Review
Social Forces
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Society & Mental Health
Gender & Society
Sociology of Education
Work, Employment and Society
Media, Culture & Society
Sociology of Health & Illness
Sociological Methods & Research
Social Psychology Quarterly
Journal of Family Issues
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Body & Society
Journal of Consumer Culture
Politics & Society
Punishment & Society
Business & Society
Environmental Sociology
Society & Animals
Journal of Marriage and Family