About this collection
The Culinary Institute of America’s special collection of over 40,000 historical menus includes menus from CIA restaurants and donations from major menu collectors, including George Lang, Chapman S. Root, Vinnie Oakes, and Roy Andries de Groot. Assembled over decades, the collection illustrates the history of dining in America and abroad, with menus from all of the states and over 80 countries, as well as ships, railroads and airlines. Browse the entire selection of digitized menus from the CIA's collection.
Digitized Seattle menus from the Seattle Public Library
Puget Sound menus from 1889 to 2003
Over 7,000 menus are searchable online; many from the Los Angeles area
Primarily Louisiana menus and other restaurant and food-related ephemera
Online exhibit and database of 1,700 menus which can be browsed or searched. Not limited to Las Vegas menus.
New York Public Library - What's on the Menu?
Over 17,000 menus online--fully searchable or browse by decade