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How to use Films on Demand: Get the App!

Get the app!

Create Your Personal Account

  1. Go to Films on Demand through WWCC so you can be authenticated as an authorized user. Off campus you need to use your WWCC ID and last name to be authenticated as an authorized user. 
  2. Look for Your Profile located in the top, right-hand corner of the site of the Films on Demand page. 
  3. Scroll down past the login for the New user? Sign Up. You might have to have to use your device in portrait rather than landscape mode to see it. 
  4. Fill out the from to begin the process of creating your own personal account that will be automatically tied to WWCC.
  5. Once you have completed everything, click on the Create Account button to complete the process. You will be redirected back to the page you were just on and should now see your name appear in place of Your Profile.

Get the app!

Films on Demand

Access Films on Demand videos and video clips 24/7—on your smartphone or tablet, wherever you are.


Films on Demand (FOD) has thousands of high quality academic and archival streaming videos from sources like BBC, National Geographic, PBS, TED and more. I covers academic and technical subjects, as well as historical footage, including content from some of the top producers of video. 

More Things You Can Do with Your Account

In addition to being able to use the app to stream films, these are thing you can do with your personal account:

  • Save favorites and playlists to your own "My Content" section for quick access later on.
  • Create custom segments from videos.
  • Change your viewing preferences (light or dark theme mode).
  • Update your account information and modify email notifications.
  • Modify default settings, caption settings and page tools