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How to use Films on Demand: Cite



Access citations on any a video page by clicking on Citation below the video. Citations are provided in APA, Chicago and MLA styles.

Click for full image

Change It Tips

  1. After pasting the citation in your paper, create a hanging indent. (follow this link to see how).
  2. Make it double spaced (follow this link to see how).
  3. Change the font to Times New Roman 12.

It Should Look Like

TEDTalks: Daniel Libeskind—17 Words of Architectural

Films Media Group, 2009. Films On Demand.

Web. 26 April 2013.

.aspx?wID=95702&xtid=48440 .



Access citations on any video page by clicking on Citation below the video. Citations are provided in APA, Chicago, Harvard and MLA styles.

Click for full image

Change It Tips

  1. After pasting the citation in your paper, create a hanging indent. (follow this link to see how).
  2. Make it double spaced (follow this link to see how).
  3. Change the font to Times New Roman 12.
  4.  italicize Films Media Group.

It Should Look Like

 “A Necessary War (December 1941–December 1942).” Films Media Group,




Accessed 16 Feb. 2019.