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Library Databases

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Library Databases


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Generalized Databases (covering a wide variety of topics and subject areas)

Specialized Databases (covering specific subject areas or media types)


General Business Databases

  • EBSCO Business Database Group – searches several business and legal content related databases at once
    • Specialized Business Databases
      • Business Source Complete (EBSCO)  – an essential research database for peer-reviewed, full-text business journals
      • IBISWorld – provides thoroughly researched, accurate, current business information, and expert analysis regarding market conditions, forecasts, supply chain, and competitor activity in the industry
      • Mergent Intellect – business and financial information on public and private companies globally providing solutions from top down economic and demographic information, to detailed equity and debt fundamental analysis.
      • NEXISUni-NexisUni features more than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790
      • SIMMONS Insights-An essential marketing and consumer behavior database, Simmons is the essential source of trusted consumer insights.
      • Small Business Reference Center (EBSCO) – offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics and includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plan.

Nursing and Allied Health Databases

  • CINAHL & MEDLINE-Search CINAHL and Medline (which provides access to the National Library of Medicine resources in one search)
  • Nursing and Allied Health-all of our Nursing and Allied Health Databases in one search. Pros–you can search everything at one.  Cons–the filters tend to be less effective.
  • CINAHL-Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health is WWCC’s premier research tool for Nursing & Allied Health journals.

Education Databases

  • Education-including ERIC, the Professional Development Collection and the Teachers Reference Center databases.

Other Specialty Databases

  • American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
  • CREDO-CREDO Reference is a great place to begin your research, with dictionary definitions and encyclopedia entries from a variety of reliable reference sources to provide you with lots of background information. Topic pages in CREDO link you directly to other library online resources, such as EBSCO and Gale databases, Opposing Viewpoints, and Ebook Central. The Mind Map provides a visual image of your topic and the concepts related to it to help you narrow broad topics and find related material.
  • Culture Grams-Click the maps in the World Edition to zoom in on facts and statistics about societies and cultures anywhere in the world. Cultural information, statistics, and more for nearly 200 countries and all states in the U.S.
  • EBOOKS – EBSCO eBook, Academic, and Community College Collections-Focusing on both academic and trade information. this multidisciplinary collection covers programs and fields of study offered in community colleges as well as key subject areas such as the Humanities and Social Sciences, Business, Science & Technology, and Literary Criticism.
  • Films on Demand-WWCC’s key streaming media database has streaming documentaries, clips, and films on many topics, such as Anthropology, Biology, Business & Economics, Careers, and many more.
  • JSTOR-JSTOR offers journals and eBooks and covers a wide range of topics from Law to Literature!  You will need to create a personal account to access resources online. This how-to tutorial will help with basic search strategies.
  • Newspaper Source Fulltext access to over 170 U.S. newspapers and 20 international newspapers. Also includes newswires and TV and radio news transcripts.
  • Gale Virtual Reference-Core Reference titles across multiple disciplines.
  • OCLC WayFinder Index-Search through library collections all over the United States, includes an interlibrary loan request feature.