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BUS 330 HR For Managers

This guide will help its users navigate the library resources needed for BUS 330 HR For Managers

EBSCO Introduction

EBSCOhost is a multidisciplinary database that can be used to pull research information on a variety of topics. Through EBSCOhost, you have the option of searching through multiple databases at once or you can narrow down the search criteria by limiting to databases on your topic. For example, for business-related topics, it could be helpful to use the filtration methods to only filter for articles in the Business Source Premier database to avoid viewing results about nonbusiness topics.

Once you gain access to the EBSCO database and select which databases you want to search through, you can filter any search results by a variety of options such as:

  • Limiting results to "Full Text".
  • Limiting results to " Peer Reviewed".
  • Limiting results by "Source Type".
  • Limiting results by "Date Range".
  • Limiting results by controlled vocabulary such as "Thesaurus Terms".
  • Limiting results by "Publisher".
  • Limiting results by " Language".
  • Limiting results at the "NAICS/Industry level".
  • Limiting results by "Database".

These filtration methods will appear under the "Refine Results" section on the left-hand side of the database

Pro Tips

Pro Tips:

  • Take a look at the "Boolean Logic" tab on this guide to understand Boolean Logic before you begin entering search terms.
  • Enter key terms into the search bars. Try and use different search bars for each key term where possible.
  • Considerer selecting any recommended key terms by the database. The database is trying to steer you in the right research direction.
  • Enter key terms such as (HR AND Training) (Human Resource Management AND Ethics ) (HRM OR Human Resources Management AND hiring practices)